Halloween Reflection: Oneness of Spirit

oneness of spiritWhy is it that many of us feel, or notice the thinness  of the veil between this life and other dimensions around this time?  We experience presence of a loved one in sight, shiver, or simply in memory? It happens because we are focused in enjoyment.  As so many of us are spending time together, preparing jack-o-lanterns and costumes, and fun festive foods we are celebrating and focusing our energy on oneness.  Not in an obligated way, but freely.   

We are ” with you in spirit”, we are “one in spirit.”  And together, in oneness of spirit, magic happens. 

What else could be accomplished when we notice this oneness?   Not by trying, but simply by intention? What would be created through the focus of energy on how intimately and integrally we are linked?  What would we gather together and focus on?

What would we choose to influence? What would we change?  Would we create world peace? Could we create a society  that is strong and stable where everyone –  I mean everyone -experiences joy, peace and abundance?   

I believe we can. I believe we will one day understand that the power of our heartfelt thought + Our understanding that we are all one = Heaven on Earth.   

No separation from Source, simply abundant joy and peace.  

Will you join me in creating this vision? 

LIKE and SHARE this vision in your corner of the world here on social media. This Halloween, Let’s get the energy of this world and the next moving in a unified direction. 

If you haven’t already, Join our mailing list at www.inspiritedliving.com and get our daily inspirations – little reminders that our heartfelt thoughts create our reality.  

Let’s get the souls here on earth along with those that have gone before, sending the intention for oneness and a unified vision of Abundance for All.  For joy and peace, safety and security, healing and wholeness.  

Check out www.InspiritedLiving.com   Find inspiration in the stories of others in our magazine, The Streetlight,  and share your own! 

When we join together in spirit we create momentum. 

Join us in creating a place to find good news – locally, regionally, nationally, and internationally.  We are in the age of ascension.  We are growing in our awareness that it is time.  

It’s not something someone else can do for us.  No politician or government or boss or other authority can do this for us.   We must each take responsibility and imagine it possible.   Enjoy the vision.  Play with the thoughts of what it would feel like to live in an ascended world.  Where the Lamb could lie down with the Lion.  Envision your own life in its most perfect form.  Imagine what it would be if your perfect world and everyone else’s beautiful vision for their own lives were unified in Oneness. 

If you can imagine it, you can become it. 

In the words of singer songwriter Donald Fagan in I. G. Y – “what a beautiful world this would be. What a glorious time to be free.”

—Lynne Bryan Phipps

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Design your life with intention: a step by step guide

Lynne Bryan PhippsDesign your life with intention: a step by step guide

I love designing!  I learned this at an early age when I began building tree houses by laying boards between branches.  My father had a rule that we could not nail the boards to the trees because it could harm them.  That was not only a great rule for the trees, it was also a wonderful creativity booster.  I discovered that depending on what game was on for the day, or how many neighborhood kids were playing, the tree house could become something different each day.  One day it became multiple tree forts; divided between avocado trees from which we threw rotten avocados at each other…Another day it was a  hide away  in the tallest tree  that separated me from the world.  Still other days the treehouse was a house with rooms and levels as complex in my imagination as the most amazing castle.

I’ve been a designer all my life…. and i’m realizing, that design is an approach to living as much as it is a profession.  The principles of the work of design apply to so much of what we do and how we do it.

 Designing is a powerful act.

It’s taking what you want to see in the world, and making it real.  concrete. bringing it into existence.

You want a dress that you can’t find in a store anywhere.  You’ve seen something like it, maybe the style in a different pattern. or maybe you’ve never seen anything like it, but you’ve imagined it.  Design is the work of creating that dress exactly as you envision it.   Or maybe its a space in which you can do your yoga.  You have a difficult time setting aside time for self care because there’s no good place in the house in which to do it.  Our homes have rooms dedicated to particular uses.  some of them unused most of the time, and the kids have their stuff all over the house.  Carving out just a bit of space should be easy but it isn’t; and then we have a million excuses for why even if we could, we don’t actually do it. looking at this set of circumstances is the first step of designing your life.

Designing is living intentionally.

It’s living bravely.  It’s rooted in the faith that things unseen are possible. It’s the belief that even if I don’t have all the skills to make something happen, I know someone who can help.

It makes life fun.

Becoming You Course
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Ardmore’s ‘The Great Zambezi’

phpThumb_generated_thumbnailjpg2016 saw a landmark event for Ardmore as Hermès, Paris launched our designed silk scarfs. This is the first time a South African design has been used by Hermès and we view it as an incredible honour. To commemorate this event, we are creating major works to parallel the theme of ‘La Marche du Zambèze’. The collection is dedicated to Fée’s homeland, Zimbabwe, where the Great Zambezi River forms its northern borders. View these magnificent artworks at Patrick Mavros, 104 – 106 Fulham Road, London, SW3 6HS, from Wednesday, May 18 to Sunday, May 29.

If you are interested in any of these pieces, click here!

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This weekend’s yoga jaunt touched upon one of my favorite reads; “The Four Agreements” by Don Miguel Ruiz. One of the fabulous four lessons is to not take things personally. It’s simple; makes a heck of a lot of sense. There is absolutely nothing to gain from taking things personally. Its ego centric, nerve wracking and puts us in a position of reading someone’s mind. EVEN if that person is acting with ill will that is their karma we can avoid welcoming into our psyche.

As I was laying in Savasana (if you haven’t tried this lovely corpse pose you haven’t lived; pun intended) I started to think of the sentence:

TAKE things personally.

The verb is powerful. It sounds greedy, doesn’t it? Sounds selfish. However by just changing the verb you can alter the sentiment entirely. How about this for size?

GIVE things personally.

The act of giving is so powerful. Give with your heart. Give without want. The best days I have aren’t filled with want or glutton. Those days where you just smile and make jokes and hold the door for someone, listen to someone, care for someone, watch a child…Find the twenty ways you can dial up silliness.

Next time the blood starts to boil, change the thermostat. Take some breathes. Put yourself back in check and reboot to a softer side of perspective.

Don’t take things personally. Give things personally.

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Lynne Phipps- Entrepreneurial Woman to Watch


11/4/13 PROVIDENCE, RI– The Rhode Island Small Business Journal (RISBJ) created the 2014 Entrepreneurial Women to Watch Awards to honor the most confident, tenacious, professional and sophisticated women industry leaders in Rhode Island. Out of a pool of over 400 applicants, Lynne Bryan Phipps stood out for her multifaceted accomplishments as an equestrienne, yachtswoman, ordained minister, founder of Inspirited Living, educator and founder of The Compass School.

In 2002, Lynne Phipps realized her vision for The Compass School when she noticed her children were not seeing the value in their education. “I saw a huge need, not only for additional schools, but for an education to be engaging and founded on the need to develop life-long learning. That education included a core, values-based education.” Lynne Phipps spent months engaged in conceptual work and, after finding an enthusiastic group of parents, teachers and administrators that shared her vision, received approval from the state to found a charter school. The Compass School is the top-ranked middle school in Rhode Island, the second-ranked elementary school in the state and has a waiting list of over 250 students.

Lynne said, “I am honored to receive this award because the state of Rhode Island is a supportive, nurturing environment, especially for women entrepreneurs. I had the dream and they helped me make it a reality.”

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