Our Higher Self: Letting Go of Perfection

Our Higher Self: Letting Go of Perfection

Photo by niko photos on Unsplash

Last week, I wrote about Our Higher Self, our Soul Self Our Soul Self, Our Higher Self.

“Some people call it our Soul. Some people call it our connection with God or a Creator. Some people call it our connection with the Universe or the Spirit part of us. 

In my mind’s eye, our Higher Self is the part of us that is connected to all things.  

It’s the energy that flows through our bodies just as it flows through every other living thing … it’s what we all have in common.  It is what we share and bonds us.  We each use it differently, making each one of us a unique expression of The Divine.  

The Higher Self lives is the spirit part of us. It flows through us and resides in us and with us.  It draws us, leads us, and can accompany us, to or through our lives if we open and allow it to.

Our Higher Self: Self-Doubt as a part of Self-Discovery

As we explore the idea of self-discovery, some people might say “I’d love to open an allow my Higher Self to lead me…but….”

Everyone has a different version of the “but….”

It may be “but, I don’t deserve it…” or 

“but, I don’t know how…” or 

“but, I’m not good at this stuff….” or 

“I won’t like who I really am….”

Self-doubt and self-criticism and judgement can creep in to sabotage our best intentions. The question is: in the process of self discovery, what drives us away from self-acceptance? What thwarts our ability to be more compassionate and kind to ourselves?

Self Discovery: Blocks to Self-Acceptance

What gets in the way of self-acceptance and of choosing to be kind and compassionate to our gloriously imperfect selves? Bringing our awareness to the roadblocks, habits, and social conditioning that get us off track helps us shift our awareness and be intentional about our self-talk and our self-acceptance journey.

Let’s start with the most pervasive and nebulous idea that haunts most of us…

Being good.

Why do we place “being good” above self care or safety? How do we listen to and honor our Higher Self?

We learn at a very young age, that being good keeps us safe and connected to those who care for us.  Being good, or behaving acceptably, keeps us from being punished, shamed or ostracized. 

Feeling connected, whether as a child or as an adult, is a basic human need. We are connected to all living things. We are designed  to live connected and in communities. So the drive to find our people, to stay connected, when our society is changing so fast has become quite an undertaking.  We don’t always realize it, but we stay on guard and  alert most of the time.

Self Discovery: Designed to be Connected

So many recent studies from organizations such as NAMI.org are showing that mental health is a major issue for so many. Following the pandemic of the past few years, the extent of political divisiveness and the resultant fear, the economy, and job security, in addition to our personal lives, fear, anxiety, stress, and worry have become a mainstay for so many of us.  

One of our most basic vulnerabilities, our most basic fears, is how do I stay connected? 

We learn this as infants. Being connected means staying alive. Being connected means being fed, comforted, warm, and alive. And we also learn our own special version of what being connected requires.

If you think back to the childhood stories that have been told about you, were you the “good” one? Were you the one who never gave anyone trouble? Were you the one who slept through the night? Were you the one who shared and played nicely?

It’s worth taking a moment to consider how much social conditioning goes into that word “good.” We absorb the lessons of what other people think is good from the moment we open our eyes.

Our Higher Self: Being Good Enough

So, here is a radical thought, what if good for other people is not always what is good for us? 

What if being good enough for other people, is not healthy for you? What if someone else’s version of good, keeps you from being open to your Higher Self, your intuition, your Soul Self?

Perhaps you already know this? Perhaps your Higher Self has been trying to draw your attention to the relationships, the interactions, the jobs, and the dreams that you need more of?  The ones that will feed and nourish and grow YOU. 

Perhaps you have an inkling, a tickle in your mind, a dream that you can turn more towards that would feed your soul? 

What would happen if that means you’re not going to fit in to someone else’s definition of “good” or “good enough” for your life. 

It’s a very simple, yet VERY scary idea.

Why? Because so much of our culture is based more on surviving than thriving, on external approval rather than internal awareness and confidence. So much of our culture is based on what we do rather than who we are.

Our Higher Self: Simply Being Human  

Simply being a human being, simply being human, can be really difficult to find time for: we can miss the signs from our Higher Self, our Soul Self. We can skip listening in to ourselves and really hearing what our inner self is experiencing or needs.  

This week, let’s try an experiment. 

I invite you to notice what it feels like to know that what is best for you, might not be what others want you to do or be.  

Feel the tension, the anxiety, or even the dread.  

When you notice it, move away to a quiet spot and allow your self to envision what it would feel like to do and be the full expression of YOU.

 Allow yourself to experience the feeling and spend energy listening and enjoying that good feeling of being all of you.  Then notice the shifts.  

I’d love to hear about your experiences.
You can write them down and send them to [email protected].
We look forward to hearing from you!

Many blessings

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A Journey of Self Discovery: Inspirited Living’s BeComing You Intro Course

We are so glad you’ve found us here at Inspirited Living! Just like you, we are interested in the journey of self discovery, becoming our best selves.  

Inspirited Living’s free BeComing You Intro Course is designed to help you begin your personal journey, with self discovery in mind. 

How do you start Inspirited Living’s BeComing You Intro Course?  It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3….

  1. Click on the link. 
  2. Sign up for free with your email. 
  3. And start receiving Inspirited Living’s BeComing You Intro Course in your inbox.

At Inspirited Living, we are inviting you to join the Inspirited Living’s free BeComing You Intro Course to help you take the first steps on the road back to you.  Your privacy is important.  We don’t sell your information. Join us and shift perspective.

Inspirited Living’s BeComing You Intro Course: The Road to Self Discovery

A Journey of Self Discovery: Inspirited Living’s BeComing You Intro CourseInspirited Living’s founder, Lynne Bryan Phipps, is here to guide you through our FREE introductory course on a journey that only you can take.  30 years of growth and development of this process have helped Lynne transform her life.  Creating Inspirited Living and the courses you’ll find here are Lynne’s way of giving back; by helping others find their way in a chaotic and confusing world. 

We are so excited to tell you that Inspirited Living’s BeComing You Intro Course has helped so many people to listen, shift and begin to create their best lives too. You are not alone as you consider trying something new to help see things a bit differently and shift your whole perspective!

In “Being You—A New Science of Consciousness” Anil Seth, a professor of neuroscience at the University of Sussex in the UK, explores how complicated our notions of perception really are at a neurological level. We can get very attached to a version of reality—we can think that our perception of the way things are is fixed. However, as Seth points out, our neural pathways are being created, growing and shifting constantly. We can shift our perspective; indeed, we are actually wired to shift our conscious awareness and attention in order to adapt to our world. 

It’s fascinating news for our Inspirited Living community. Living and growing together matters! Research shows that people who live their most fulfilling lives have the fewest regrets.  We have discovered the difference between habits vs. intentions. Fulfilling lives are intentionally designed lives.  On this path of discovering our Higher Self, we not only develop the ability to “listen in,” and tune into more of what really matters, we also the skills that help us to gain perspective on the past, grow in the present, and imagine a better future.  

The Road to Self Discovery: Habits vs. Intentions 

Do you find yourself holding back? Unable to be your most creative? Worried about what others will think or how you’ll be perceived? Do you long to engage with the world as your true self, your real self, your Higher Self?  Have you been trying to get out of that cycle but you don’t know where to start? 

The first step is to understand why so many people like you even want a deeper, connected, and intentional life. One way to think about it is how dependent we’ve become on the doing parts of our brains. And how much societies have neglected the creative parts of our brains.

Why did this happen? Don’t we all love to create and feel joy? As Lynne explains in Inspirited Living’s BeComing You Intro Course, when humans discovered that thinking to build “things” was something worth monetizing, we moved to cities, and into an industrial society that valued only time, not the individual gifts of the maker.

Think about that for a moment. 

Mastering the process BECAME the purpose. 

At Inspirited Living, we think this is backwards. 

The artisans, the craftspeople, the master artists that brought us some of the world’s most powerful and beautiful, art, music and performance were sidelined in the industrialized worlds. Creativity, and intuition were sidelined as frivolous and a waste of time. How sad!

The Road to Self Discovery: Inspirited Living’s BeComing You Intro Course 

A Journey of Self Discovery: Inspirited Living’s BeComing You Intro CourseThe Intro Course helps us begin to reevaluate and discern what each one of us values, and wants to feel, do and be. 

As you progress through Inspirited Living BeComing You Intro Course, Lynne talks about how cultural shifts have moved us to compartmentalize our own uniqueness, our personal gifts and passions, in order to fit in.

In a worldview that valued replication and similarity, our sense of belonging became attached to our similarities rather than our differences.

When our industrialized societies allowed machines, repetition, workflows, and spreadsheets to become the purpose of work, we changed how we value people, too. How well we performed the tasks became the measure of our worth. 

So, in an industrialized world, we developed and valued our rational thinking and devalued our heart thinking. In an industrialized world, we have so many cares that we can’t find the time to even ask what’s the difference between living careless vs. carefree? We fall into the pattern of living life through habits vs. intentions.

Instead, Inspirited Living’s BeComing You Intro Course helps you find your intentional joy in being you, again!

The Path to Self Discovery: The Pendulum is Shifting

Without a doubt, the pendulum is shifting again! So, what are we useful for and how can we contribute in our world? The time is right for some self discovery!

We are entering a new age where so few people are needed to work in assembly and production work; those jobs are being replaced with computers and robots. It can feel as if all the rules we grew up with, all the rules we learned so we could fit in, have been washed away.

Technology—pens, saddles, 3D printers, robots—are just tools. We have always used tools to help us create. The free Inspirited Living’s BeComing You Intro Course and the courses that follow will help you on your way  through the discovery of what you need and the tools that will help you create. Listen to your heart as you discovery the difference between careless vs. carefree.

Join Lynne in Inspirited Living’s BeComing You Intro Course. Our personal journey to self discovery is created by shifting perspective on the past, living and moving  in the present, so we can move forward to create a fulfilling and joyful life.

The Path to Self Discovery: Finding The Road Back To You

In the Inspirited Living’s BeComing You Intro Course, Lynne asks us to consider:

  • What makes us special?
  • What do we bring to the table?
  • What difference do we make?

These soul-searching questions are some of the underlying causes of our anxiety today! When everything changes so quickly, how can we find our way to experiencing life as wonderfully safe and fulfilling? 

Do you start the day with a morning ritual that supports your intentions? Do you need help connecting your mind, body, and spirit  to start the day feeling safe and connected? 

We can start by asking ourselves: what’s the difference between habits vs. intentions? Are we living an intentional life? Can we design an intentional life? 

  • How about we write the rules ourselves this time?

Path to Self Discovery: Reconnecting with the Heart

A Journey of Self Discovery: Inspirited Living’s BeComing You Intro CourseWe are in a new Age of Enlightenment where we are rediscovering the power of our own uniqueness, creativity, and innovation. 

These things are natural consequences of the awareness of our souls. The thing that makes each one of us unique.

How do you develop a connection or awareness of your soul? How do you find a soul connection and the road to your Highest Good?

1) Focus on re-opening and strengthening the neural pathways between head and heart, and learn the skills of reconnecting with ourselves.

2) Our perspective shifts through realizations that are experienced because of the connection with the deepest part of us. Some call it the Soul, others the Higher Self.

3)  You begin to create from the powerful place that results from this connected place and you see things in understand them differently. The path to self discovery starts to unfold.

By joining and becoming and belonging as an Inspirited Living Member, you will learn how to reconnect, with your whole self; your mind, body and spirit, to create a fulfilling and joyful life. 

In the Inspirited Living’s BeComing You Intro Course, join Lynne in a series of videos and guided questions that help you find the path back to you. 

At Inspirited Living, your privacy is important to us. No credit card is required to sign up for the course. We will not sell your information. We will send you the latest Sunday News to Savor and Daily Introspections from Inspirited Living to help you in your journey. Self discovery is just a click away. We hope you will join us.

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Living Life with Intention: Habits vs. Intentions on the Road to Self Discovery

We are inspired this week by the idea of living life with intention. On our road to self discovery, what do we intentionally include or look for in our lives? Do we pay attention to what nourishes our creativity? What happens when we are intentional about who and what we include in our lives?

Lynne Bryan Phipps, Inspirited Living’s founder, shared some thoughts about what it feels like when we allow ourselves to experience joy.

Living Life with Intention: What Brings you Joy?

What brings you joy? This can feel like a simple question but when was the last time you took a moment with yourself to choose more of what brings you joy? If not joy, what is filling our lives instead? 

When was the last time you looked at your morning routine and considered whether it supports your path to self discovery? Do you make coffee, stop for coffee, or drink coffee at work without really enjoying the way it tastes and smells? Does the way you do your morning feel like a routine or a ritual? Is it calming and setting the tone for the day or does it make you jumpy and nervous? Does your morning ritual bring you joy? 

On the road to self discovery, we sometimes have to take a close look at our habits and determine if we like the underlying intentions as we try to find what really nourishes our mind-body-soul connection.

Habits vs. Intentions

Habits are the patterns that our brains form consisting of a trigger, a routine we perform, and a reward. It’s a kind of three step loop or habit circle that we record in our brains so that we can cover everyday things like brushing our teeth, parking the car, walking the dog, and making coffee without really paying attention to them.

There are lots of books on bestseller lists about habits. This NPR interview on Fresh Air, is talking about “The Power of Habit” by Charles Duhigg.

“The Power of Habit” helps break down the triggers for certain habits and how to recognize when advertisements prompt you, or trigger a habit. Marketers and advertisers are extremely good at hijacking the habit circle to get us to buy a product, for example.

Intentions vs. Habits

Living Life with Intention- Habits vs. Intentions on the Road to Self Discovery

Intentions, as Lynne Bryan Phipps, shared in an earlier post, start with paying attention to what YOU are drawn to…  

Intentions are about paying attention to what feels good to YOU… 

On the road to self discovery, intentions are about noticing and bringing your awareness to what you need. Intentions are about making deliberate choices that support you, not what the outside world tells you is important.

Intentions are also about prioritizing what is important vs. what’s easy. 

How you do design an intentional life?

Lynne Bryan Phipps has some new courses coming this year that guide you through how to design an intentional life. Stay tuned for the sign up links!

Her first step in designing an intentional life on the road to self discovery, is to ground and bring your awareness to what feels comfortable and expansive in your own body. Then notice what feels tight or nervous, or anxious. 

As you notice the discomfort, it’s important to know that the goal is not about changing or fixing or judging any part of your experience, it’s just about noticing what feels uncomfortable.

Lynne’s second step is curiosity and compassion.

Ask yourself, what’s the discomfort about? Why do I feel it? What’s making my shoulder’s tight or my neck tense? Why does my stomach feel icky? Curiosity without judgment is a kind and compassionate approach on the path to self discovery. What does the world feel like to you? Why does it feel that way?

Inspirited Living’s third step to designing an intentional life is moving towards what feels good. This can be the most difficult part of the intention. Not just setting it, but acting on it.   There’s often so much self-judgment about doing our chores before we play. We can get so fixated on doing that we forget how to take time to just be.

If you are struggling on how to turn towards what feels good, give your body a break with some forest bathing. Give your creative brain a chance to engage with some stunning art from South Africa. Give your soul a chance to soak up the joy of lavender by engaging the senses.

Stay tuned for more from Lynne on Inspirited Living Courses about designing an intentional life that works for you!

Self Discovery: Habits vs. Intentions

So why does this matter from an Inspirited Living perspective? By bringing your awareness to your daily activities and really noticing what you spend time on, how you start your day, where you eat your breakfast, who you spend time with, YOU can start creating a life You love.  An intentional life. 

Try Inspirited Living’s morning ritual to design an intentional start to the day that works for you. Notice what you are drawn to. Notice when a habit is triggered and ask yourself: I wonder what that’s about? Does that really bring me closer to what I want? On my road to self discovery, is there something that would feel better? Is there something else I could choose, or try, or experience that would feed my soul more?On the journey to self awareness, we can be very deliberate and intentional about what we allow into our lives. On the road to self discovery, you can choose where you focus your energy. 

Try asking yourself: Does your morning ritual nourish and support your creativity? Does the food you chose support your body?  Does it give you what you need to be healthy? Does your focus outside your home support your intention to be calm?  Would more time in and around nature be helpful? Would some support or help from Lynne and the Inspirited Living community help you to shift from habits that are unfulfilling to intentions?

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