Revisiting Careless vs. Carefree: The Path to Self-Discovery

As we explore the path to self-discovery in the next couple of weeks, we wanted to start with our goals. At Inspirited Living, one of our most popular posts about is about the difference between Careless and Carefree. How can we shift from being careless, to a different mindset? How can we live carefree?

Careless vs. Carefree: Shift Perspective

As Lynne wrote in her first post on careless vs. carefree, the term “careless” has almost exclusively negative connotations, but why?

“Someone who is careless chooses to ignore their responsibilities. When you do something carelessly, that thing still gets done, just not necessarily well. When you solve the problem carelessly, that problem still exists. You just don’t put much energy into it – because you don’t care about it.”

Where do we really want our path through life to take us?

So why do we do that? Why do we do something carelessly, even when perhaps we mean better? On the path to self discovery is it worth asking ourselves, what we are doing without care and why.

Careless vs. Carefree: Does this Cause You Joy?

Here’s a really simple question to ask about careless vs. carefree.

  • Does this thing cause us quiet joy?
  • Do we have pride in our work?

Answering those questions, even just in your mind, can help you figure out; is being careless a symptom of something we feel and need to bring our awareness to more directly?
Noticing that we are being careless with something or someone in our lives can be a very powerful signpost about how we really feel.

Think of it as a signpost on the road to self discovery.

Marie Kondo, the Japanese expert on how to tidy your home, makes this point repeatedly in her book, “The Magical Art of Tidying Up” and on her TV show. She makes a point of noticing what brings a person joy in their lives and their homes.

In “KonMarie’s” world, things that bring quiet joy should be a part of our path to self discovery. Things that don’t bring us joy, Marie Kondo thanks for their service. And then we can choose to let them go.
Careless vs. Carefree: The Path to Self Discovery starts with Self Awareness

So how can we apply the same Marie Kondo mindset to our own lives?

Just a little playing with words can really help us to notice where we are putting our energy. When are we careless and when are we carefree?

Maybe the worry, stress, and anxiety we feel at work makes us skate through in order to get out as fast as possible? Careless?

Maybe we don’t want to interact with the people or the place we are in? We might be cautious around them and careless in our efforts.

Perhaps the answer is both. So, we put in the minimum effort and disappear as soon as we can? Maybe, “careless” is another way of finding out we need to make some changes on

our path to self discovery.

Maybe “careless” is a sign that we need to let go of that experience, person, situation from our lives. And a sign that we need to turn towards something that brings us joy instead.

Choosing Carefree: The Path to Self Discovery

When we take a moment, we might shake our heads and say “that’s just not me…”

I don’t want to live carelessly, but how do live carefree?

How do we find out what’s making us behave in a careless way and how can we shift to a carefree life?

Again, a little word play can help us shift perspective. As Lynne Bryan Phipps wrote, “Carefree means free of cares, living life without issues and insecurities.”

That’s not to say that external life—the outside world—is free of challenges and difficulties. Things that are out of our control happen every moment.

But, our mindset can make all the difference. Do you hold on to every single thing that happens around you? Do you get involved in all the drama, the ups and downs of every last moment? Do you remember the slights, the criticisms, the digs, and the failures?It’s worth noticing if you do. Not with a critical mindset (“I know I shouldn’t but I just can’t help myself…”) The path to self discovery helps lead us past the inner critic that is so sure we are doing something wrong!

Instead, just notice: I get really caught up with the little things. Or, I know they are little things but they feel so overwhelming.

By taking a moment to observe and not to judge ourselves, we are creating a compassionate space in all the noise to be curious.

Careless vs. Carefree: Notice What You are Drawn Towards

As Lynne said in one of her posts about navigating big life changes, noticing what you are drawn towards can illuminate the path to self discovery.

Some of the most powerful questions can be the simplest:

  • I wonder why…?
  • I wonder why that feels so overwhelming?
  • I wonder why being around that person feels so overwhelming that I’m careless with my efforts?

Taking a moment, or two. Or a few more, to be with yourself in a kind and compassionate way and wonder why you feel the way you do, can be a radical act of self-care! And a step along the path of self-discovery.

Choosing Carefree: Signposts on the Road to Self Discovery

As Lynne said, “stress, anger, and grief are a part of life. Being rid of all negative emotion or difficult situations is not something that can be achieved. It is however, possible to change how much we let the conditions around us get to us. By shifting our perspective on who we are, and where we are going in our lives, we can teach ourselves how to “do” it differently. It’s important not to carry these burdens – not to be weighed down by them. We all have the ability to live inspirited, and to be the person we intended to be.”

We start to shift perspective when we realize that we are seeking a way to not get sucked into the drama. We start to shift perspective when we look for a way to allow the ups and downs of life to flow through us.

Learning to see the world in this way is quite the journey, but it doesn’t have to be taken alone.

We encourage you to join our community of likeminded individuals, all going down a path towards an inspirited life together. When we work as one, we can ensure that our cares never stop us from being free.