Design your life with intention: a step by step guide

Lynne Bryan PhippsDesign your life with intention: a step by step guide

I love designing!  I learned this at an early age when I began building tree houses by laying boards between branches.  My father had a rule that we could not nail the boards to the trees because it could harm them.  That was not only a great rule for the trees, it was also a wonderful creativity booster.  I discovered that depending on what game was on for the day, or how many neighborhood kids were playing, the tree house could become something different each day.  One day it became multiple tree forts; divided between avocado trees from which we threw rotten avocados at each other…Another day it was a  hide away  in the tallest tree  that separated me from the world.  Still other days the treehouse was a house with rooms and levels as complex in my imagination as the most amazing castle.

I’ve been a designer all my life…. and i’m realizing, that design is an approach to living as much as it is a profession.  The principles of the work of design apply to so much of what we do and how we do it.

 Designing is a powerful act.

It’s taking what you want to see in the world, and making it real.  concrete. bringing it into existence.

You want a dress that you can’t find in a store anywhere.  You’ve seen something like it, maybe the style in a different pattern. or maybe you’ve never seen anything like it, but you’ve imagined it.  Design is the work of creating that dress exactly as you envision it.   Or maybe its a space in which you can do your yoga.  You have a difficult time setting aside time for self care because there’s no good place in the house in which to do it.  Our homes have rooms dedicated to particular uses.  some of them unused most of the time, and the kids have their stuff all over the house.  Carving out just a bit of space should be easy but it isn’t; and then we have a million excuses for why even if we could, we don’t actually do it. looking at this set of circumstances is the first step of designing your life.

Designing is living intentionally.

It’s living bravely.  It’s rooted in the faith that things unseen are possible. It’s the belief that even if I don’t have all the skills to make something happen, I know someone who can help.

It makes life fun.

Becoming You Course
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Carol Garfinkle

Carol GarfinkleI am passionate about my work as a clinical psychologist and practice in Canton, MA. This passion has driven me to continue training over the past 25 plus years so I can have all the tools possible to help others on an incredible journey which I am privileged to witness. I believe that therapy is for those who wish to embark on the courageous path of creating meaningful changes in their life. The good news is that people already have everything inside them that they need to get to know themselves, solve their issues and be happy. I see it as my job to create a safe, non-judgmental place where clients receive support to learn how to access that happiness. I also see myself as a guide to help people find the answers that are right for them so they can live the life they design. If you are interested in finding resources to inspire you, please feel free to visit my website at!

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Jackie Zerio – Marketer & Photographer

Jackie Zerio believes that with hard work along with trusting your destiny creates a life that is experienced as a beautiful journey. Jackie is currently enrolled at Roger Williams University and pursuing a degree in Public Relations with minors in Marketing, EBusiness, and Digital Media and Photography. Photography is a way to express herself and her view on the world. She also enjoys art through music and movies of all kind.

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Lara Hakeem – Health/Holistic Professional

lara hakeemLara Hakeem has been a fitness trainer, personal coach, and health/holistic professional since 2001 and has obtained decades of experience in marketing, retail design, advertising and theatre arts.

Essential Oils immediately catapulted Lara into a profound life change. Her first hand success from a lifetime of digestive challenges was the first of many “aha” moments. She selected and distributes Young Living Essential Oils based on their high quality and process that makes them world class.

Lara offers workshops and webinars on essential oils, natural alternatives to health maintenance as well as personal training and life style coaching. She public speaks, directs, teaches and performs theatrically nationally.

“When you share something positive and good, it becomes explosive in the community.”

Driven by health and Young Living’s purest line of essential oils in the world, Lara has combined her marketing and wellness proficiency to enrich knowledge and awareness throughout the country building an international partnership as well.

With 30 plus years performing and directing, Lara uses theater arts as a teaching tool for all involved.

Currently she offers a wide range of sharing and promoting and lends her knowledge and contributions in varying forms and media platforms.

Website –
Email – [email protected]

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Don Coyne – Videographer

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Don Coyne


“On the Outs Productions is a full service video production company owned and operated by 25 year Providence Television Personality and life-long Rhode Island resident Don Coyne.  Don Coyne has won the New England Emmy for Sports Reporting and has been a finalist another eight times, including for Sports Production and Play by Play

On the Outs Productions is a leader in producing and successfully distributing video to media outlets in RI and around the world. Then using the video to produce features for Facebook, YouTube and other social media uses. Don Coyne has also produced over 60 half hour programs including “Fishing the Ocean State”. From educational videos and product demo’s to real estate and college recruiting videos, you name it and On the Outs Productions can produce the highest paid for quality.



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