We are uplifted this week by this article from Berkley University showing how gratitude can change lives. In a series of studies with children, different researchers found that teaching about the components of gratitude had long term benefits in happiness for children aged 8-11. Gratitude and joy can be taught and it changed lives. Bundled in the lessons, the children also learned about empathy, appreciation, compassion, and consideration. Not bad for 30 minutes a day for one week!We are uplifted this week by this article from Berkley University showing how gratitude can change lives. In a series of studies with children, different researchers found that teaching about the components of gratitude had long term benefits in happiness for children aged 8-11. Gratitude and joy can be taught and it changed lives. Bundled in the lessons, the children also learned about empathy, appreciation, compassion, and consideration. Not bad for 30 minutes a day for one week!